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E-commerce and MSME how do they go hand in hand.

E-commerce and MSME how do they go hand in hand.

Since the pandemic hit us, we have been physically disconnected and thus came to the rescue, the e-commerce! E-commerce has been around quite some time but it is during pandemics the whole world revolved around them. In this post let us talk about E-commerce and MSME together.

Gone are those days when we felt insecure about entering our bank details for the transaction, from the past 2 years it has only been online! No wonder India has emerged as the world leader in real-time payments.

In the year 2021 alone, records show that around 40 billion online transactions were done in India. The world of E-commerce has changed the world entirely around us. The way we buy or sell things! no middle persons and no worry about getting a defective product. (Well, they are few exceptions)

E-commerce and MSME how do they go hand in hand.
E-commerce and MSME how do they go hand in hand.

Here are a few benefits of E-commerce (customers and MSME)

Quick decisions with many options:

Remember those days when we go to buy a particular product but end up buying many others except the one, we wanted to buy? Might be the reason, we did not get what we wanted. Well, online has many options to select from. Not just the type and quality but the price also. And this makes many customers go for online shopping.

This in return gives the MSME more exposure to explore their product and put Infront of customers directly with a good description of the products, high-resolution pictures, and also the How-to video for the convince of the customers.

Easy return for the E-commerce and a plus point to MSME:

This is my favorite part. We all have this doubt that the product might be not as good as we Touch and Feel and Buy! Right?? Well, I was one of them. But the amazing easy return/easy exchange by the E-commerce portal has changed it all.

 This adds up to the MSME because they gain trust over their customers. Since the feedback is in real-time it makes it much easier to study what the customers want and how.

MSME having their website:

This one is a hit in most cases. Even the MSMEs are having their website and so it makes the interaction between the customer and the brand owners connect in real-time. All the feedback directly reaches the PR team of the company.

Social Media and MSME:

Hands down to this one. Social media plays an important role in any business and so does it in E-commerce and MSME. Establishing trust and direct contact with the customers is important. Especially with the small businesses.

Low cost for MSME when they go to an E-commerce platform.

A fact must know, setting up an online portal for the small business would be much less than setting up an offline store. Setting up a website is easy with one’s ideas or taking help from someone who can do it.

Affordable marketing:

Apart from setting up own website this too adds up to the MSME. Having a high budget for advertising is something that will not work for them. The online mode of advertising is a click as it takes less budget and high impact.

As of now, the marketers can also target desired customers and show the ads only to those particular customers.

This is written as a part of BlogChatter #ECommerceBuildsEconomy

You can also check up my post on MSME its role in the Indian Economy and opportunity for women entrepreneurs


Sadvika Kylash

About Author

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.


  1. Avatar

    Alpana Deo

    January 21, 2022

    For small businesses, the bigest challenge is surviving in the market. Pandemic has been a blessing for many small scale businesses and with people’s inclination towards online shopping, having a strong, reliable website is must.

  2. Avatar

    Surbhi Prapanna

    January 21, 2022

    Yes agree ecommerce has made our life a lot easy in this recent pandemic situation. it is great that nowadays small businesses are taking ecoomerce help to boost their businesses.

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    Anjali Tripatni

    January 21, 2022

    The MSMEs sector is important to the country’s socio-economic development. This is a very well written article. India is, without a doubt, a land of skills and ideas. While pandemics put the world on hold, E-Commerce kept things running and most people’s lives on track.

  4. Avatar

    The Champa Tree

    January 21, 2022

    This is such an informative and wonderful read. Good work!

  5. Avatar

    Sandy N Vyjay

    January 21, 2022

    e-commerce is a real boon for MSME’s. They do not have huge budgets for marketing and need to spend more on other aspects of the business. e-Commerce helps them to reach their markets in an economical and feasible manner.

  6. Avatar


    January 21, 2022

    Pandemic has been a blessing for many small scale businesses and with people’s inclination towards online shopping, having a strong, reliable website is must.

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    Sindhu Vinod Narayan

    January 21, 2022

    An insightful article on how ecommerce benefits msme. It’s the foremost way that helps small businesses reach larger audience

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    Rahul Prabhakar

    January 21, 2022

    Your post is bang on point! e-commerce and MSME do go hand-in-hand. And technology is a great enabler for both. In a post pandemic world, retail has to be relooked at with differently.

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    January 21, 2022

    This is a very insightful post. E-commerce and MSME goes simultaneously. After pandemic hit , e-commerce plays a great role in promoting small businesses.

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    Hansa Kajaria

    January 21, 2022

    I am a person who relies totally on E-commerce platforms to get everything. From day to day basic things like grocery to shopping, I find it very convenient.

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