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Book review

Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash

Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash

Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash is a story about Kate and Edward and how they meet, unwillingly get close and a challenging life throws at them but at the end Drawn by Destiny, it is!

Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash. How it starts:

Kate, an independent and strong woman, successfully ran her business Semicircle Entertainment. She has a sorted life except for one dream, which haunts her night. The story starts by describing her dream.

“Those eyes! Those troubled, painful eyes, that haunt her forever and so often.” Her mind takes her back to the curvaceous road. Where she dreams of meeting the man with those eyes which haunt her.

Cut to, how it unfolds:

Meeting Edward as a client, those deep brown eyes and his voice trouble her from the day they have met to discuss a party that semicircle has to organize. Kate tries to get away from Ed as much as possible but as the book says, Drawn by Destiny!!

This party at the Gran Canaria hosted by the Scotts and arranged by the semicircle entertainment is where life took a U-turn on Kate. As time passed by, they get to spend more time together, among which she tries to get away with him, keeping his haunting eyes in mind.

Mr. Scott’s interest in Kate was something she is getting very intimidated by. She couldn’t help but give up sometimes and this turned into a friendship with little benefits. Ed, taking this liberty flew to Kate’s parents’ house while Kate was there for her sister’s wedding.

When she knew she was in love and falling for him completely, she left her again! The same as he did before. No reason no phone call. It was on her sister’s wedding day. She fought hard to control her tears to not ruin her sister’s big day!

Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash
Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash

Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash: Mr. Scott kidnapped!

She was shell shocked to read the headline that Ed was kidnapped around 5 AM from the international airport. She was trying to put all the pieces together and turns out it was all a sorted-out plan and she was the victim of the business rivalry.

Putting all her haunting dream, a man standing on the curvaceous road. It all made scenes to her!

Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash: How I like the book.

The ending is very intense, I was glued to the book the whole time! Love the chemistry and suspense created between Kate and Edward. Friends with benefits are something I love here. I do not want to reveal much of the ending because reading gives you that thrill!

My excitement was at its peak when I read that there is more to their story and is coming soon! I can’t wait to get my hands on, it already!!

You can get her book here!

You can find her through her Instagram page!

This is a part of the Book Review Program by BlogChatter.

You can read my other Book review


Sadvika Kylash

About Author

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.


  1. Avatar

    Preeti Lal

    May 26, 2022

    Very well described. I would say it will make an enjoyable one time read.

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    Ruchi Verma

    May 26, 2022

    Wow!! This book seems so interesting and now after reading your review I am excited to read it to know the ending which you mentioned is exciting!!

  3. Avatar

    Surbhi Prapanna

    May 26, 2022

    The plot of this book sounds so interesting to me. kat and edward sounds like amazing characters. would love to read this book dear. thanks for sharing your honest review with us.

  4. Avatar

    Alpana Deo

    May 26, 2022

    ohh my my… what a plot. Full of ups and downs, mystery, love, emotions. I am waiting to now more about it.

  5. Avatar

    Gunjan Upadhyay

    May 26, 2022

    I like your book selection choices, indeed a great plot and roller coaster of emotions. I am adding this to my TBR list, going to catch it up soon

  6. Avatar


    May 26, 2022

    The plot sounds interesting and involves some unexpected turns. This book sounds like a good one to read on the go and am sure is an enjoyable read.

  7. Avatar

    Preeti Lal

    May 26, 2022

    This book seems so interesting, Thanks for sharing this, now defiently will read this book.

  8. Avatar


    May 26, 2022

    kat and edward sounds like an interesting characters. Plot is so interesting with a amazing twist. THanks for the honest review

  9. Avatar

    Dipika Singh

    May 26, 2022

    I really liked the plot, it has nice musings to it. And such a genre always attracts me, thanks for sharing such crisp review with your readers.

  10. Avatar

    Manisha Garg

    May 26, 2022

    The plot of the story seems so interesting I actually read your post so fast for the review. I would surely like to know more and will check this book.

  11. Avatar


    May 26, 2022

    Books that has a suspense in it keeps us hooked till the end and if the descriptions are well in the book then in no time we finish it. Pursuit word in title is catchy to check the book once.

  12. Avatar

    Paresh Godhwani

    May 26, 2022

    I liked your short and sweet approach towards the book Review. If I talk about the book then I can feel the excitement with which you have written this post. It seems like this book kept you hooked till the end which means it is a great read. Will check it out soon.

  13. Avatar


    May 26, 2022

    This story of Kat and Edward is really interesting. I believe in dreams meaning something so at least for me I am going to pick up this book soon. Plus the ending is intense even better.

  14. Avatar

    Rakhi Jayashankar

    May 26, 2022

    The book seems interesting read. Though I am not much of a romance person, this seems like a different take on th relationships

  15. Avatar

    Outset Books

    May 26, 2022

    I loves how you have articulated the review. You have given a glimpse of the plot to create the right amount of intrigue in the readers. Loved every bit of it.

  16. Avatar

    Tina Basu

    May 26, 2022

    I like the character’s name. Edward is kind of my fave name. The plot sounds interesting. I like suspense and unexpected turns. I will check this out because I like how you have reviewed it and it sounds like an interesting read.

  17. Avatar


    May 26, 2022

    The story sounds interesting and involves some unexpected turns. This book sounds like a good one to read on the go and am sure is an enjoyable read.

  18. It starts with us. Book review by Sadvika Kylash - Momlifeandlifestyle

    May 26, 2022

    […] Pursuit Drawn by Destiny. Book review by Sadvika Kylash […]

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