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The essence of motherhood. Book review by Sadvika Kylash

The essence of motherhood. Book review by Sadvika Kylash

The essence of motherhood. Book review by Sadvika Kylash An excellent book by Radhika Jindal. The ups and downs of being a mom. I was among the first to proofread this amazing book and loved all accept that had been covered.

The essence of motherhood. Book review by Sadvika Kylash :The book

As I started, one of the first sentences that I am still not able to overcome, “You’re also born again along with the baby” in the chapter Messy Motherhood. Author Radhika has made sure all the elements are included.

Right from the question itself, Am I pregnant? A little conversation with a gynecologist, Dr. Manju Gupta is something that every parent who is planning to have a baby has to read. In the 2nd chapter loved all her detailed points on all the three trimesters which included health, exercise, and diet plan.

The essence of motherhood. Book review by Sadvika Kylash
The essence of motherhood. Book review by Sadvika Kylash

The essence of motherhood. Book review by Sadvika Kylash :What I like

A new thing wishes I knew before was, that “Garbh Sanskar” is such a positive one to a new parent or a parent. The essence of motherhood is not only about a mother but a complete chapter dedicated to in-laws and to-be fathers.

I so love how she included the physical, mental and spiritual happiness which I feel is very important for a new mother or a mother-to-be. Few points that Author Radhika mentions I so stand by them. It helped me in my pregnancy days.

A hospital check bag is something that you can directly check out. She included everything and every little detail that takes us through the pregnancy 9 months.

The Journey ahead.

The beautiful journey includes the ups and downs of motherhood. A fact that we all mothers go through. A book that prepares a mother for the postpartum along with the work mom guilt. I am a mother of two and connect completely with her 9th chapter, handling the depression that most moms deal with but don’t wish to talk about.

I loved that Author Radhika included that mental health for new mothers. Glad that I have met her in my blogging journey. She is one such author that I would look up to when my first paperback book comes out.

Do check out Radhika’s blog (here)

You can buy her book from Amazon

You can read my other book review, Zero Day


Sadvika Kylash

About Author

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.


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    Preeti Lal

    May 6, 2022

    I absolutely loved this article. I just loved the way you wrote each points. Thank you for sharing.

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    Ruchi Verma

    May 6, 2022

    No wonder, the journey of motherhood is so exciting and filled with different emotions, thanks for sharing the honest review of the book. I will get my copy!!

  8. Avatar

    Surbhi Prapanna

    May 6, 2022

    I had also read Radhika’s posts during a2z and loved it. it is great that she has taked her author journey to next level. I am sure her book will help lots of new mothers. thanks dear for sharing your reading experience with us

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    Alpana Deo

    May 6, 2022

    The birth of her child is the rebirth of a woman. Not only body goes through several changes, so does her mind. And thoughtfully written books becomes the best companion whenever she is in doubt. This book definitey seems like a must-read for all the new moms.

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      Outset Books

      May 6, 2022

      Postpartum depression and related issues of a new mom need to be addressed when the importance that it deserve. Not only mom guilt but there are so many factors at stake for a mother.

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    Gunjan Upadhyay

    May 6, 2022

    Looks like a relatable book for us mothers out here, With so many physical and emotional changes happening in a woman during birth, its better to read a book on the subject for expecting and new moms. Shall share with my friend i hope she would like it

  11. Avatar


    May 6, 2022

    As a mother I can identify so much with this book. It’s a beautiful phase that involves a journey of s lifetime and indeed is like a second birth for a woman.

  12. Avatar

    Preeti Lal

    May 6, 2022

    Well Explained!! Amazing blog… Hats off to all mothers… They do lot of things which is unnoticed at timss

  13. Avatar


    May 6, 2022

    wow this book sounds so interesting as somewhere i can able to interlink myself with it… Thanks for honest review

  14. Avatar

    Dipika Singh

    May 6, 2022

    Reliving your motherhood beginning with this book would be a great experience for all moms and fathers, too. I am sure this book has encapsulated motherhood very well.

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    Manisha Garg

    May 6, 2022

    Looks like a great read for moms-to-be or new moms will surely check this book out for more details. I am glad mental health topic is included because during pregnancy and after that life changes drastically for a mother and we should not take care of our mental health.

  16. Avatar


    May 6, 2022

    I have read few pages of the Radhika’s book and liked it the way she has narrated her entire preganancy journey. Your review will help many first time moms to pick this book.

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      Rakhi Jayashankar

      May 6, 2022

      I so wish I had read books like these when I had my kids. Those times there was no one to guide and tell me about and talk to about these

  17. Avatar

    Paresh Godhwani

    May 6, 2022

    Though I am a male, I experienced what a female goes through when she becomes a mother. So when you mentioned garbh sanskar and new birth with the child, I found those things relatable. If this book contains such topics then it will definitely worth a read. Thank you for sharing it.

  18. Avatar


    May 6, 2022

    Essence of Motherhood seems a must read book which is written by radhika Jindal. There are many doubts as new young to be mother especially for the first child and this book preps you for the pregnancy to early year motherhood years. If one is mentally prepared then they are able to tackle better.

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    Tina Basu

    May 6, 2022

    This sounds like a great read for moms-to-be and new moms. They always have so many questions and doubts in mind. I will suggest it to my friends. Mental health for new moms is so important and I am glad it has been included in this book.

  20. Avatar


    May 6, 2022

    The plot sounds interesting and involves some unexpected turns in mother lifestyle. This book sounds like a good one to read on the go and am sure is an enjoyable read.

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