Self-Care Tips for New Moms Self-Care Tips for New Moms

Welcome to Self-Care Tips for New Moms post, if you are a new mom, a young mom, or whichever age mom you are. I am here to talk to you about taking care of yourself, and how would that affect the next generation. We all agree that childbirth is one of the hard things that we go through.

Here are few Self-Care Tips for New Mom’s:

Grace Yourself

Grace yourself sometime of the day admire yourself and your body and feel good about yourself. Being a new mom and figuring out how life is and what would work for you takes time and you shall learn as you go. We might look tired and messy and embrace that mess! You are doing a great job and no one apart from you would do it any better for your kids! Look at yourself in the mirror and just feel amazing about yourself, and how you have created the beautiful humans who came from you! Mother or not a mother, no one is perfect we all should Feel Perfect! Do not go by social media ya’ll.

Have Good Nutritious Food:

Our elders say this to us so often! “Eat good healthy food, what you eat now gives you good health that will help you a lot” That is true right?! Eating right matters a lot, no matter new mom or not. I personally loved the dry fruits laddu!

Have a Good Sleep:

I know I know, phases like ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ is not applicable in real life. No matter new mother or no, we all have our duties to do, be it home chores or other. And the only time we get to complete them is while kids sleep. But the night sleep is very crucial! Avoid spending time with phone while the baby is done for the day.

Have positivity around:

Family is always the backbone of you when you are in need. They are always the positive vibes that matter. Have happy talks and just don’t stress much on what would happen later on. all the if’s and but’s are there in life. but it depends that, if you wanted to affect them on your today as a new mom.

 Self-Care Tips for New Moms
Self-Care Tips for New Moms

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Bohemian Bibliophile.

Here are few of my other posts:

7 things wish I knew before I became a Parent

Why having a me time for moms is so important yet so hard to take a break!

By Sadvika Kylash

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.

28 thoughts on “Self-Care Tips for New Moms”
  1. A new Mom’s life can be topsy-turvy. Within a day of the birth of the baby, the sleep schedule, the meal time, the body … in short everything changes. It is a timely reminder that self-care and positivity should never be forgotten.

    1. Being a mom and handling your baby is quite difficult to take care of self. There will be very little time left for us and that time also we get too much tired to do. It happened with me till date from new born day. Still somedays I am trying to look good for myself ????

      1. Your words feel like a wise friend sharing genuine advice. From taking a moment for self-reflection to embracing imperfections, it’s clear you understand the real challenges. Thanks a bunch for sharing these heartfelt tips – they’re a lifeline for any new mom finding her way in this beautiful but demanding journey of motherhood.

  2. I wish all the new moms a lot of good care. It is not easy to give birth to a child and take care of the baby and raise good kids. Perhaps, the most difficult task in the world.

  3. Sleep is most important, at least for me. This should be drilled into some women as many don’t take this seriously because they have a whole lot of other things to do too.

  4. My sister is a new mom, and I must say that good food and good sleep are important for new moms. She is working in the morning, and at night, the baby awakens her, which is why she is losing her appetite day by day. I will pass this on to her so that she can at least take a little care of herself.

    1. A new baby means sleepless nights, constant stress, overwhelming emotions, fear and so many other difficulties for the new mum. Although your post is short and simple Sadvika, it just about hits the bull’s eye. If a new mum is aware of and consciously practices whatever uv mentioned.. she is on the right path.

  5. Practical and doable must dos for a new mom to keep herself from getting overwhelmed with mommy duties. Not just a new mom, I guess every Mom should follow these to keep therir sanity intact and stay positive and happy.

  6. These are such practical and useful tips. I’m sure new mothers would benefit a lot by reading and following your suggestions. Motherhood is anyway overwhelming, especially when it’s something you’re experiencing for the first time. I’ll pass this on to my friends and family members for sure.

  7. I’m not a mom, but these tips are still super relatable. Who doesn’t need a reminder to eat better and get more sleep, right? Thanks for the reminder to take care of ourselves, no matter where we’re at in life!

  8. As a fellow mom, I absolutely resonate with these self-care tips! It’s so important to give ourselves grace during this demanding time. Embracing the messy moments and finding beauty in our bodies post-birth is a journey, but it’s one worth taking. And you’re right, social media can paint a skewed picture of motherhood – it’s all about finding what works for you and your little ones.

  9. As a mother, balancing caring for your baby and self-care can be challenging. There’s often very little time and energy left for ourselves. I’ve experienced this when my baby was born, I was 20 and found it a huge responsbility with minimum knowledge of motherhood, 40 years ago.,

  10. Back in our time, we didn’t know about self-care because we were so busy taking care of the child. I had the luxury of having a very supportive family. It was very difficult for those that did not.

    1. Positivity can come with a great support. And if your family is with you when you are going through such a drastic change in your life things become easy. And yes no one understands you more than you yourself, so embrace everything that comes with becoming a mother and enjoy this new journey.

  11. Good points for new moms, who i think forget to prioritise themselves as they get into handling their new roles. I agree that positivity is actually very important and an underlying aspect to the well-being of a new mom.

  12. New moms find it tough to adjust to their often bloated bodies, sleep schedules and anxiety. Good food, enough rest and positive self-image can work wonders for her mental and physical health.

  13. This post is a gentle reminder for new moms to prioritize self-care amidst the challenges of motherhood. I wish someone has given me such advice when I was a confused and messy new mom. Thank you for emphasizing on embracing imperfection.

  14. Yes …it’s quite difficult for new mom’s to take care of have mentioned everything which can be done to take care of self.its gonna help people like me who are much puzzled

  15. Good sleep, positivity, nutritious food, and family are all vital when you’re experiencing the most joy in your life and feeling you may go wrong at any time. A great bunch of tips for new mothers

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