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A message from a mother who is trying hard to survive motherhood. 

A message from a mother who is trying hard to survive motherhood

Don’t you all agree, that sometimes we feel that this is the longest day ever with kids??! Something like winter nights, cold and dark yet a lonely night? Sometimes don’t you feel that your day just drags on? kids are always high on energy who refuse to calm down, someone throws a tantrum while someone who is always sick!

While you are trying to keep your house put together and go to one room to start over, once you are done and turned over you see the other room is a hot mess!! Happens every time right? I have heard and read about moms who religiously follow the to-do list. Well, I don’t even want to get started on my to-do list which is stacking up!

A message from a mother who is trying hard to survive motherhood
A message from a mother who is trying hard to survive motherhood

Kids and their demands are never-ending! Don’t you feel you are exhausted and so done with these little humans and call it quits for the day? Do you feel that you are lost, today? You knew motherhood was hard. But no one would tell you how to deal with it. every mother has her new version of serving motherhood.

Answer honestly this for yourself, you dint think it would be this hard, right? Your random thought was about having a hard time during the initial days. But it continues to be days after weeks after months.

Hey mamma, I am here with you! We both are in different boats but sailing in the same direction. Now and then, even I feel that I am drowning myself, while I still figure it out. Yet, here we are both making our journey towards motherhood.

Before entering into motherhood, I had my expectations set right as to what would make me a good mom. But I didn’t realize that these expectations and standards that I set were making me fail every time as expectations are always not so realistic.

I was good at what I was doing, but the standards and the desire of being the ‘perfect mother’ was making me drown’


I sometimes feel that the way we set our expectations high on ourselves and by not being able to achieve it will make us feel way worse than actually not doing things. Instead of the good things that I was doing right, I was being concerned about the things that I couldn’t do at all.

Setting high expectations on how an ideal mother or motherhood should be will make you drown in motherhood! You do what you could do, already. And if you could do any better, you already would have!

Mind you, we all are on the same journey but travel differently with different people and issues. Don’t let the expectations of others hold you back!

 This blog post is a part of the CauseAChatter program by BlogChatter.

You can also read my first eBook – Motherhood Talks.

You can also check,

Your kids and Husband are fine, but are you?

Quit having mom guilt


Sadvika Kylash

About Author

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.


  1. Avatar

    Surbhi Prapanna

    December 28, 2021

    Agree dear motherhood is beautiful but equally challenging and we all faced various spectrum of emotions each day in this series. Loved the way you have described it in this post.

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    Shreemayee Chattopadhyay

    December 28, 2021

    Yes dear, motherhood is such a wonderful experience. Though sometimes very challenging. But, I love all the layers of being the mother of two.

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      Hansa Kajaria

      December 28, 2021

      No one said motherhood is easy but yet we embrace it with open arms and not once but I’ve done it twice. Yes it gets overwhelming at times but it’s a part and parcel of any relation.

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    December 28, 2021

    Motherhood comes with its share of rewards and challenges. Hard days are no doubt going to be there but good days make it worth it. We’re in this together indeed.

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    Swati Mathur

    December 28, 2021

    Motherhood is a mixed bag, in fact thats what life is. Challenges and rewards are part of life. Just go with the flow, things might look difficult but take it as a pinch of salt. Positive affirmations are very important especially for women who makes their life difficult unnecessarily. You are the best and you are doing great.. Remember that.

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    Sandy N Vyjay

    December 28, 2021

    Motherhood is really a very challenging experience. You have shared your experiences which are so poignant. But at the end of the day, one feels it is really worth all the pain.

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    Sindhu Vinod Narayan

    December 28, 2021

    Motherhood isn’t a cakewalk and we learn a new lesson each day. Glad that we all sail in the same boat and this is something that can be done with ease if we plan accordingly

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    December 28, 2021

    I agree Sadvika it is the desire to become a perfect mother that is the cause of trouble in our paradise. It truly is to each us own

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    December 28, 2021

    Today was one such overwhelming day for me. And as home renovation is going on the weekend too went away without a breather. Your post came as a solace to me. Yes we sometimes set expectations high from ourselves.

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    Rakhi Parsai

    December 28, 2021

    Given the day today pressures of life and expectations people have from mothers and women it definately becomes diffuclt to manage life. However we are all fitted with in built mechanism to deal with pressures life puts on us.

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    December 28, 2021

    Motherhood is not less than a rollercoaster ride. New challenges are there in every moment and we have to cover that with spirit and happiness.

  11. What is Mental Health and how do we as society define it?

    December 28, 2021

    […] A message from a mother who is trying hard to survive motherhood. […]

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