What is writing mean for meWhat is writing mean for me

Writing comes to me as I am an introvert by all means, was always shy and calm when it came to socializing. Well, thankfully the amazing writer’s community has made me so comfortable, so I started to open up more than before.

I guess, now I interact well with my community and still I feel blogging is the best way to let my thoughts out to the world, Unfiltered. Started blogging way back in 2012. I guess I was consistent with it and then happened – marriage, job, and kids. Well, a new mom’s life is busy.

The Second shot at Writing:

I took a second shot to come back and came back strong. I started with my own website in 2019 during lockdown and it has been going steady since then. Glad to mention that I have received much recognition during my journey to date.

I so wanted to write about Mental Health Matters this year, 2022. Wish to blog with a purpose and not just random blogging. I have chosen to write about Mental Health because it is one of the major concerns of the present day.

People hardly talk about it and many suffer. And I want to write about it, create awareness, and maybe, be some help to someone. I was an introvert, but now I am open to people who would want to talk to me and I am willing to talk to people as well.

Last year, I wrote about Mental Health for new moms and Single Parents. I was so overwhelmed with the kind of feedback that I got and was so happy that people could connect with my writings. And so came the idea of writing for Mental Health in detail and more seriously.

person writing on notebook while holding coffee mug
Photo by lil artsy on Pexels.com

Writing achievements:

For this year 2022, I want my blog Momlifeandlifestyle to be so impactful with helping people and to reach out if they have any issue dealing wit it. I started off as a serious passion in 2019 and then it went up hill from then!

So happy to say that I have published a couple of fiction stories as well and got published in a couple of books along with other co-authors. Such a happy feeling to see my picture and my story to get published in a book.

Writing about, Parenting, Motherhood, Toddler life, Single Parenting, Mental Health, Fitness and sharing my own experiences along with the facts and hacks that work.

Writing for Ikigai

Having said that, my most favorite series that I wrote was about Ikigai. I have read that book and man I was so impressed and love the whole concept and happen to write a series of 6 blog posts to Ikigai. And super excited to say that this has ranked Momlifeandlifestyle on the first page of Google for quite some time.

The other skill I am working on this year is to learn Mandala art. I see reels and YouTube videos that make me so mesmerizes with the piece of art that I wanted to learn. Firstly, I am very bad with drawing and so dint bother to even start or try. Then came one fine day, I started and still learning more and more about this amazing art.  

This is my little journey as a writer/author/blogger and budding artist. Looking forward for this amazing journey ahead along with other super writers and writer community.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.  

You can read my Ikigai series:

Self discovery Ikigai

The Ikigai discovery. – Your reason for being.

By Sadvika Kylash

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.

24 thoughts on “What is Writing meant for me”
  1. I agree, writing is the singlemost pleasure in life, after reading. It was so good to know that you were ranked high on Google for Ikigai. I also like the fact that you have chosen to write upon sensitive topics that need attention and self monitoring. Kudos!

  2. Writing is my passion and it gives me immense joy when i complete writing something. Congratulations on your achievements. May you be blessed with words to inspire others forever.

  3. As an introvert to writer and author… incredible journey Sadvika. Tight hug ????. I can feel the happiness and contentment. Good to see that your blog rank on Google for ikigai. I am going to read that. Keep it up dear.

  4. Writing can be very rewarding. For me, it was a hobby to kill my loneliness. I am glad that through writing about mental health issues , you found your calling and were even recognized for your efforts. More power to you!

  5. Oh Sadvika first of all congratulations my dear and I am so happy to see my fellow blogger friend achieved so many milestone in such a short time. Keep doing hardwork and with time you will see you progressing so well. That’s just brilliant to know your blog ranked at the top page of Google. Amazing girl you are. Do you know Mandala is also my weakness and I feel calm and composed when I dedicate myself in making mandalas. Keep writing and keep achieving new milestones and you will see me at every step clapping for you to celebrate you success. Keep rocking

  6. Wow, Sadvika… I just wanted to start off by saying a huge congratulations to you! I am beyond excited to witness the extraordinary triumph you have accomplished in such a brief period. Indeed Your dedication and hard work are truly paying off.
    I too resonate with the incredible concept of ikigai. It’s truly a fascinating philosophy that I believe can bring so much meaning and fulfillment to our lives. Keep up the amazing work.

  7. Congratulations on your milestones. Getting published and then read by others and knowing their views gives so much joy as a writer. Your hard work is paying you. with God’s blessing, you will reach new heights!

  8. Wonderful journey you have had. Failure only pushes us to succeed. I started writing at the age of 40 and that too for The Hindu Metro plus. Never stopped after that but now I am going through a very bad phase. And although I have been through depression many times before, writing would never stop and give me solace but I am not able to write since a month. It is a writers block I guess or a signal for me to slow down.

  9. Many congratulations, Sadvika. Onwards and upwards. I can totally relate to giving it a second shot for keeps. I started blogging in the late 90s and then life caught up. Got back to it in 2019.

  10. Congratulations Sadvika! It’s a big deal to be a pubished author… I’m glad that your blogging journey opened up many avenues for you.
    Goodluck for your future endeavors… happy writing!

  11. For all of us who write, the reasons may be different, but each of us have a story within us that is waiting to be told. Liked yours too. Keep writing!

  12. I could totally resonate to some of your sentiments. Love that you get to do your passion and know that you’re doing well. Thanks to technology, we get to be surrounded and supported by friends whom we haven’t even met in real life.

  13. To take a second chance in blogging is never easy. You have done that with ease and I am so happy that you decided to blog for a purpose. I hope you will be able to influence many women out there to talk about their mental health inspired by your writings.

  14. Your blog title made me curious to click this blogpost soon, I am glad that I read it. Being a writer myself, it boosts myself-confidence blog post when I read how our writings are helping our readers. Looking forward to read more.

  15. Hi Sadvika, you keep referring to the year of writing this post as 2022 – is it an old post that you have re-shared? Please let us know.

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