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10 Parenting Hacks for a new mom!

10 Parenting Hacks for New Moms

Being a new mom is overwhelming and sometimes that feeling is filled with anxiety. As a first-time mom, you would always think is this the way I was supposed to do?! Because we have ‘moms’ that keep on telling us what to do and what not. Starting from how to change diapers to how to hold. In this blog post, I stored out 10 Parenting Hacks for a New Mom. Read on to know more!

And at some point we might feel, this is my kid and I will raise them. Dint you feel this? Well mom, chill! Stop and take a breath. This ‘moms know it all’ is common and you would get it when your kids have their own, and you would be guiding them. 

Everyone says, ‘Motherhood completes a women’ well it surely does. But we should also acknowledge the fact that not every woman wants to be a mother. And this should be normalized in society. It’s a personal choice, after all. Imagine, you are the only one in your friends’ group with no children, yet you be the fun aunt that those kids could have.

Parenting is always a learning journey. We have something new in store for us from kids. Well, not just new moms, even my mom says the same for me! I was a mom at 24, and that moment when I held my firstborn into my arms, was world-changing!

Read below to know my 10 Parenting Hacks for New Moms.

Here is the list of 10 parenting hacks for new moms:

  • Baby bath: 

Either Normal or Cererian, you would take a little time to recover and the first thing you want to do is hold your baby and give him a warm bath. Try doing this with a bathtub and you could sit on a stool so as not to strain yourself.

  • Umbilical cord and diaper: 

While changing babies’ diapers try to fold the front half of the diaper below the belly button, as doing do it doesn’t stick to the cord.

  • Feeding baby every 2 hours:

Is the phrase not something that we heard more often?! Well, yes! As everyone around you tells that you should feed your baby every two hours. If the baby doesn’t wake up by himself wake him up and feed. I personally dint have to wake the baby up. As my daughter was hungry every 2 or more hours.

  • Packing the diaper bag: 

It is a fact that we all over pack our babies’ diaper bag. Be it a simple supermarket visit we tend to overpack it. Of course, we never know what we would need. But having the main items in your bag would make it easier, going out. You don’t want to carry the extra weight of the bag.

  • Avoid the oh no moment:

Before changing the baby’s diaper, have him on the changing mat/sheet and place a cloth on it. It will save the bed from the oh no moment.

  • Gas issues: 

Gas issues are common with babies. This one trick suggested by doctors and by my mom is to place your baby on the back and rotate the legs in the cycle motion. This would help the baby.

  • Babies and medicines:

I don’t have to mention how difficult it is to make kids take the medicine and it is so for the babies. I, take the medicine with the dropper that comes with the bottle and while giving it to the baby I give it little by little.

  • Let your partner take over:

As a new mom, you are all exhausted. You need some rest too! I know, we all want to that super mom of our imaginations. But even to be one, you need to rest and get up strong. Yes, as new moms we always have the stuff to do, home is a mess, laundry to fold, dishes pilled up. but that’s fine! Let your partner take charge of it sometimes. Let your partner handle the baby duties or the house works. You need rest!

  • My baby should never cry:

Well, this is something that we all did! I did too! I was alert at the slightest sound that kid made and when on to pick her up. This would make them more fusser! Let the baby cry and fuss for some time as to let the baby falls back to sleep. If not then you would naturally pick him up. well, while I did so, I didn’t realize how it would affect me. (Guilty)

  • Noiseless sleeping:

I did this too! (Guilty again). Sometimes we learn when we experience the side effect of it and this is one among them for me! For my elder one, I was so obsessed with having no noise while she sleeps. This made me stop all works or even open cupboards in the room. Initially, it was all ok but later on, it was becoming hard. Then I was doing my chores slowly while she sleeps. This made it much easier later on. And for my younger one, I was all noisy while I make her sleep.  

Above are 10 Parenting Hacks for New Mom’s that I could list out. I am sure there are many to add to this list. As we learn and experience new things everyday with kids. Parenting is full of surprises some are joyful and while some are not!

Hope you all liked my 10 Parenting Hacks for New Moms post. If you wish to read more about Parenting and Motherhood, kindly check out my other Blog Post, Why Having a Me Time for Moms is so Important yet so Difficult and 7 Thing wish I know before I became a Parent also, Weight Loss after Kids

I would like you to check out Kids, who grow up in India also Happiness, You come to Me and I shall wait

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla, and generously SPONSORED BY Bugshield Clothing – Enjoy Outdoors More!


Sadvika Kylash.



Sadvika Kylash

About Author

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.


  1. Avatar

    Alpana Deo

    February 7, 2021

    These are some real and practical hacks every new mom can use. I agree with noiseless sleeping. I have seen one of my friends who is a new mom, will make sure that she will stop all her work while her kiddo is sleeping. But this restricted her from using that perfect window to finish up her chores.

  2. Avatar

    Harjeet Kaur

    February 7, 2021

    Very useful hacks you have shared, Sadvika. They will be very handy fr new moms who struggle through all this.

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    Mayuri Nidigallu

    February 7, 2021

    Every new Mom who reads this post will thank you for it. Being a new Mom is an overwhelming experience and every helpful pointer they get helps.

  4. Avatar

    Suhasini I.P.

    February 7, 2021

    Those were really wonderful pointers, which even I followed when I was a new mommy. I think every new mother should read this post.

  5. Avatar

    Archana Srivastava

    February 7, 2021

    Handy tips for all the new moms out there. I can totally relate to the situation, making all the extra efforts to make a child sleep while first-time parenting. In the second child, being an experienced parent, we follow just opposite therapy.

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    Aishwarya Verma

    February 7, 2021

    This blog did take me back in memory lane !! I am sure being a new momie is not easy, but this article shall be useful for all the new moms out there 🙂

  7. Avatar

    Swati Mathur

    February 7, 2021

    These are some great hacks shared by you, will be so very useful for newbie moms.

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    February 7, 2021

    I am not a mother but all these hacks are really helpful!

  9. Avatar

    Supriti Garg

    February 7, 2021

    These are awesome hacks for new moms and I can vouch for the noiseless sleeping one. I too realised that noiseless sleeping leads to more troubles and it took me almost a year to get my son accustomed to sleeping with slight background noises. Your post is a breather for the new parents.

  10. Avatar


    February 7, 2021

    Very detailed post that iam sure new parents will find handy. They all seem very practical and are very well explained by you.

  11. Avatar

    Priyanka Nair

    February 7, 2021

    Thanks for sharing these practical tips, and taking me back to the days when Ishaanvi (my daughter) was just born 🙂

  12. Avatar


    February 7, 2021

    Very good points especially for new moms. Putting a changing mat before chngin diapers is a lesson we all learn isn’t it hehhe

  13. Avatar

    Priyanka Chhabria

    February 7, 2021

    Very aptly written. Most important thing is to let your partner takeover. People forget that dads need to take care of baby as much as it’s a mom’s duty. There are many myths floating around new born baby’s care. This surely will a lot of new moms.

  14. Avatar

    Shail Thosani

    February 7, 2021

    Very good points for a new mom. Bookmarking your post for my future reference.

  15. Avatar

    Abha Singh

    February 7, 2021

    Parenting is something that you learn from experience. I did some mistakes with my elder one but learned lots of things. I can’t say I am expert but now I know how to handle kids. Perfect points covered by you in this post for new moms.

  16. Avatar


    February 7, 2021

    These are great tips for new mothers. The one about noiseless sleeping is very important. In a country like India where there is a lot of noise around.

  17. Avatar

    Ritu Bindra

    February 7, 2021

    I am not a parent but I am sure this post will be useful for all the new parents out there. Particularly since you have shared first hand experience.

  18. Avatar

    Bhawna Shah

    February 7, 2021

    This is really a great post for all new moms and also those are in their pregnancy phase. You have covered all points which a mother needs to take care for her baby.

  19. Avatar


    February 7, 2021

    These are really wonderful pointers which i think every new mother can totally relate .

  20. Avatar

    Yashila Barnwal

    February 7, 2021

    Every new Mom who reads this post will thank you for it. Being a new Mom is an overwhelming experience and every helpful pointer they get helps.

  21. Avatar

    Arti Singh

    February 7, 2021

    such pearls of wisdom wish i knew it all while i became a mother myself .. Such important points and so very well explained

  22. Avatar

    Aishwarya Sandeep

    February 7, 2021

    I liked the statement that you made. Motherhood completes a woman but still some women have a choice about being a mother. I also feel guilty about being over cautious and yes I am one of those mothers who over pack the baby diaper bag even for the smallest trips.

  23. Avatar

    Ruchiraa Sharma

    February 7, 2021

    These tips take me back to the days when I was struggling with my baby. As a young mom, one feels so confused with all the information out there .
    These are some simple and practical things to keep in mind. Very useful for young moms

  24. Avatar

    Amritha Srinath

    February 7, 2021

    What a great post for new moms! As a new mom myself, I can relate to so many points here. Many of these points can easily be covered by all moms. For feeding the babies, I follow demand feeding for my second child rather than feeding every two hours. And this has been proving better as far as the growth chart is also concerned.

  25. Avatar

    Sindhu Vinod Narayan

    February 7, 2021

    Such lovely pointers these are. Definitely helpful for all new moms out there

  26. Avatar

    Jenny Pink

    February 7, 2021

    This is such a great post and it’s really helpful for any mom looking for tips. Thank you for writing it!

  27. Celebrate Valentine's day with these amazing ideas

    February 7, 2021

    […] You might also want to check out 10 Parenting Hacks for New Moms […]

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    Beth Learn

    February 7, 2021

    I just wanted to say thanks for this helpful post! I’m definitely going to try some of these parenting hacks.

    One thing that I’ve found really helpful for staying healthy and fit as a new mom is to make sure to get regular exercise. I know it can be tough to find the time, but it’s so important for both your physical and mental health. I like to do short workouts at home, or I’ll go for walks or runs when my husband is home with the baby. I also find that yoga is a great way to relax and de-stress.

    If you’re looking for some ideas for workouts, We have a lots of workouts that you can find on our website.

    Thanks again for the helpful post!

    I’ve written about this topic as well, and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one saying this stuff. Perhaps we could collaborate?

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      Sadvika Kylash

      February 7, 2021

      Thanks a ton for an amazing reply. I would love to collaborate too. Wish to get in touch in social media. My Instagram handle- @momlifeandlifestyle
      Wish to connect there and discuss more further

  29. 5 Best Ways to Stop Procrastination - Momlifeandlifestyle

    February 7, 2021

    […] 10 Parenting Hacks for a new mom! […]

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    February 7, 2021

    […] You may also want to read: 5 ways to re-connect with yourself after becoming a Mother., 10 Parenting Hacks for a new mom! […]

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