How to celebrate the missed-out Valentine's dayValentine's day Ideas

This year Valentine’s Day was not like every other Valentine’s day that happened. Few of us have missed going out while a few happen to meet and out on a date to celebrate. Remembering that time where you might have danced to your favorite song along with your favorite partner, watching a romantic movie, or bring watch a complete series with bae! In this blog post How to Celebrate the missed-out Valentine’s day. 

However, you might have celebrated last year, this year, it’s a complete lone Valentine’s day. If you think about how to we celebrate this Valentine’s day… Alone? Either you should celebrate at all? Or just be with the person at home? Then you are at the right place to read on what all you should try and How to celebrate the missed-out valentine.

Here is the list of Valentine’s day activities to be creative and for someone who wants to do something creative. The following activities are for adults to play with their partner, kids who are completely into being creative, or a group of friends, or just you! How to celebrate the missed-out Valentine’s day with these creative ideas.

Let us start with Couples:

pieces of fabric with red hearts
How to celebrate the missed-out Valentines day

This Valentine you might be in a long-distance due to covid or quarantined together these might be the few of the ideas that would set the mood and do something special for your partner.

  • A photo collage on a wall:

All that we need are Photos, Glue, Tape, and some lights. Select a wall on which you want to have the pictures. Be creative as to how you want those old memories to display. Going through those old memories would leave a huge smile on your partner. Or the best part, this activity can be done together, (I am sure, you would have some long yet amazing conversations while looking at those pictures)

  • Remember and recreate your first date: 

While you choose to be home instead of going out but want to experience the magic? Recreate your first date. Well, wants more magical than the first date, right?!! If your first date was in a resto then try cooking those dishes that you have ordered. You know, you can always work your way up for that magic.

  • Sending gifts:

Sending gifts to your partner while you both cannot be with each other this Valentine. Chocolates, cards as they are the classics or some art of their choice.

  • Spend some cozy time together:

Days these days are very stressful with work from home, which gives one an extra amount of work and stress. Take a day off from work and just be cozy with your partner. Might be as simple as, watching a movie together.

  • Cooking your favorite dish together:

Challenge your partner to cook each other’s favorite dish. Youtube comes in very handy for this. Trying to impress your partner while cooking together is a different experience altogether.

How to celebrate missed-out Valentine’s day with kids:

  • Game night:

How long it has been for kids without a proper game night? Well, having their game night in the name of Valentine’s day is a win-win situation for both parents and kids. While kids are busy playing virtual games with their friends online, you and your partner can have some time off kids!

  • Making treats:

Well, Christmas and Valentine’s day is all about Treats. Why not include kids in making them. They would use up their creativity while doing so. And send a few to kid’s friends. This would excite kids to participate in making treats.

  • Valentine art:

Let your kids be as creative as they want. Creativity and art get the best from kids. Some art that they want to gift to their friends or some art that they want to give to you. Let the creative minds do their work.

  • A virtual get together with family:

As Valentine’s day is all about celebrating love, having a virtual get-together with family serves the purpose too! From having to meet everyone to kids having virtual games with cousins is a perfect playdate again.

  • Having few friends over:

For kids having friends over means an amazing time with them. As it’s been a long that playdates have become rare due to covid. Inviting few friends would be an amazing time for them to have the Valentine play date.

How to celebrate the missed-out Valentine’s day: Yourself!

  • Make yourself 1st:

2020 has been a year with stress and sometimes it was a year to connect to oneself. Make this Valentine’s day about the same. Make yourself a priority and self-care to be the most important.

  • Have your favorite wakeup time: 

Having to wake up whenever you want to or having a breakfast of your choice on your bed is a big deal! Say yes to breakfast in bed. Your favorites your bed and your time!

  • Having fun dressing up:

As we are home most of the time, the comfort outfit is being in PJ’s. Get out of those PJ’s and dress up! try on different outfits that you haven’t tried in a while.

  • Have a self-care day off:

Making self-care a priority is so important to feel good. Tell it out loud so that would sink in! now having a complete day off for yourself is a treat. Isn’t it? Well, for me hell yes!

  • Online deals:

Now when you have your face pack on, why not check some amazing deals online for yourself. There might be something that you wanted for so long but kept on backstage to buy. Well, this is the time to treat yourself with that.

Hope you all like my post about How to celebrate missed out on Valentine’s day.

This blog post is a part of the Petals of Love Blog Hop hosted by Swarnali Nath.

How to celebrate the missed out Valentine's day?

We are a bunch of 30 writers across the globe, coming together to you with 30 different pieces on Love. In February, we will be celebrating different colors of Love, together in our ways. This blog post is my entry to the blog hop.

You may also want to Read: Weight loss after kids, Benefits of Onion Oil, Kids Tantrums, A Journey that makes you Happy.

Copyright Sadvika Kylash

This article is the property of the author Sadvika Kylash ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

By Sadvika Kylash

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.

23 thoughts on “How to celebrate the missed-out Valentine’s day?”
  1. Your tricks and tactics about celebrating on the missed out Valentine’s Day is a hit!! The different ways to celebrate with partner, kids and yourself offers a variety of options to splurge and pamper. My favorite is celebrating with your self and showering sumptuous love and TLC❤️!! Great post!

  2. Such an exhaustive and beautiful list and put out with so much effort and finesse. Though i am saving how to celebrate with self 😃
    Wonderful read
    Deepika Sharma

  3. This is a beautiful post with such a lovely ideas. All the ways that you categorized the ideas and wrte them accordingly, is commendable. I loved the tips of re recreating your first date and cooking a dish. Lovely post Sadvika. Thank you so much for joining us in the blog hop. I am grateful to you. Best wishes dear ❤❤💐💐

  4. Those were some fun ideas.. loved the last part more though because it was about self-care, and then ‘favourite wake time!!’ .. loved those ideas…

  5. Wow such lovely ideas and I really like the way you had covered all the category. I specially like last one category most and need to execute this one. since covid, I had a long hectic schedule and never get a proper “”Me time” . your post has inspired me to take self care seriously.

  6. Wonderful ideas for celebrating Valentine’s day for everyone, be it couple, someone alone, be it couple with kids. Undoubtedly, this year’s valentine’s day came with limitations in terms of celebration but not happiness.

  7. This is such a comprehensive list of ideas. Great tips on how to keep the spirits up and celebrate, even if you are missing ‘your kind of’ celebrations. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful post and loved the ideas that you have shared. Loved the idea of recreating your first date that itself stirs so much emotions. All the activities are fun and by involving kids you have made this post more lucrative.

  9. What an exhaustive list to celebrate the missed out Valentine’s Day Sadvika. As a mother, you tricks to celebrate with kids is totally exciting and doable. I am taking these points in and planning out a perfect evening for the weekend. Hopefully, my kiddo will keep himself busy with colors and games.

  10. This post has something for everyone! Glad that you included a different section to celebrate Valentine’s Day with self as well. Favourite waking up time sounds good!

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