Welcome to Momlifeandlifestyle! This website is all about Motherhood, Parenting, Health and wellness, Toddler life. Women’s day is right around the corner and I would like to dedicate this post to all women who have made their way out leaving behind all the odds! I want to take this opportunity to celebrate Women’s day with Single Mother’s.
Well, Single Mother, whose journey is having so many ups and downs but she makes her way with all her strength. People would be busy judging almost all the decisions that she takes. When it comes to struggles, well they are many. I have figured out a few struggles that Single Mother’s have to deal with, Alone!
This blog post is all about Single Mother’s. Nevertheless, complete respect to all Singles Fathers too!

- Career options:
In today’s generation. We all have our career options and even parents/in-law’s support. But for a Single Mother, making her career an option will make everyone raise their eyebrows. (Parents and in-laws would support) There will always be a set of relatives who will be ready to spell beans!
- Family Support:
As a Single Mother, she always has to stay strong but there would be a time where even she needs someone to comfort her during these difficult times. Genuine support is what she wants be it family or friends. Limit yourself from such people. Try being around people who value you and your decisions.
- Financial issues:
I would term this as the biggest issue that a Single Mother faces. Here in India, after becoming a mother, she usually leaves her job and takes care of the baby, and the house, leaving her to be dependent.
When she decides to separate from her husband this would become a major problem that she needs to tackle. As no one thinks of separation unless it’s a big issue. This would throw Single Mother in a deep well, as to how to provide, how to plan their future, and what can be done to earn.
- Being a role model:
Being a Single Parent, itself is challenging. And you have to be in the role of both the parents. Be a Mother to all Motherly duties and be a Father when they need. Kids are so sensitive to such issues. They always have so much to ask and to talk about this issue.
Being their mental support while playing both the roles may become emotionally challenging to a Single Mother. Explaining situations to your child will make them understand and come out of a closed room.
- Support from society:
It would take a lot of time to recover from the separation to being a Single Mother. But society always comes up with a lot of judgments. Shattering all the courage she has been trying to build to herself and for her kids.
These unwanted judgments and advice will make her more mentally disturbed. Making her stay away from society. This would make her be more indoors than going out to these uncalled judgments.
No matter how much you try to convey to people about your decision and how you feel it’s the right choice you have to make for yourself and the kids, they are going to judge you anyway! Wasting time on such things drains your energy and makes you more worried about their judgments, and going back to the same painful relation that you just came out of.
Yes, there might be a few wrong decisions that have got to this junction of life. But who doesn’t? Everyone makes and takes wrong decisions. Whereas, few decisions are considered wrong in society. Whatsoever be the reason, when life fails you at some point, accept it, learn and get going with life.
Feeling sad or guilty will lead nowhere. You have two roles to play, thinking about the past relation will make you feel lower! Opening up to your kid helps them understand the situation and understand you! Have close family or friends, who you can talk to. Having mutual support from them is a blessing.
I have chosen to talk about the “Women’s Day with Single Mother’s” issue for International Women’s Day. Talking about Single Mother’s is not just an issue. But as my own life experience, as to how my Mom, a Single Mother, faced the society leaving behind all odds and giving almost all those that I have asked for! Single Parents are those strong-headed! Always ready to be the best version of both the parents.

‘This blog post is part of SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge by Dipika (https://www.gleefulblogger.com/5-smart-kitchen-appliances-for-indian-homes/) and Ruchi (https://wigglingpen.com/importance-of-extra-curricular-activities-with-school-academics/).
This post is written for CauseaChatter by Blogchatter
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Copyright Sadvika Kylash
This article is the property of the author Sadvika Kylash (momlifeandlifestyle.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited
Neeta Kadam
March 1, 2021Truelly agree with you dear. Single woman parent is itself challenging where you do not have any support from anywhere. Salute to those woman who handle this responsibility.
Surbhi Prapanna
March 1, 2021Yes life of single mother is not easy at all on various life aspects and they have to deal with various hard situations to deal with. I am glad that you had taken this opportunity to talk about them and show much deserve respect for them. great response to theme,
March 1, 2021Very honest and heartfelt post. Single mothers are truly to be celebrated.
March 1, 2021I absolutely agree with your thoughts.such an honest and informative post about single mother.Single mother is not at all easy.
Cindy Dsilva
March 1, 2021I have been brought up by a single mother as my dad passed away a week before i turned 12. I have seen the strength she has. Was planning to write about her but I guess one blog wouldn’t be enough for it. She’s my main inspiration!
sakshi varma
March 1, 2021True. Single parenting is not easy, and when you are a single mother, you get under even closer scrutiny.
Mayura Amarkant
March 1, 2021Wonderful take on the prompt! Single motherhood is challenging and how they manage is truly inspiring. Thank you for writing this one. #SpeakEasy
Noor Anand Chawla
March 1, 2021Wow that is truly inspirational. A mother’s love is so astounding, that it enables people to overcome all the odds and raise their children as fine human beings.
Mandavi Jaiswal
March 1, 2021Being a single mother is twice the work as well astwice the stress. The least we can do is celebrate their courage. Beautiful post.
Suhasini I.P.
March 1, 2021Very heart touching post as it came purely from your heart Sadvika. I know being single parent is really tough especially in the Indian society.
Alpana Deo
March 1, 2021I salute to all the single mothers. I have a couple of friends who are single mothers. I have seen their struggle in juggling between responsibilities. But I have always felt the strength they have in their thought process. I know it must have been hard for them but they handles (and are still handling) everything wit grace.
Ujjwal Mishra
March 1, 2021Being a single parent is challenge in itself and living in patriarchal world more ruff for single mothers.
Dr. Rahat Sayyad
March 1, 2021Thats some untouched waters. No acknowledgement, no appreciation, only neglect is what the society has given them. We owe them.
Bhawna Shah
March 1, 2021Life is full of challenge all you need to keep your courage and self-confidence at the top. Bringing up kids by Single parent is really a tough task
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Dipika Singh
March 1, 2021The evils of society have limited the scope of single parent especially mother since generations, but I am so glad the time is changing and so is the role of single mom in the world. Very empowering post.
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