Note to Self! Motherhood Edition.Note to Self! Motherhood Edition.

I know Motherhood comes with Joy, Stress, lot of unsaid emotions. But have you realized; in this ‘Motherhood’ process you have lost your ‘self’?! Have you even noticed it?! I wonder not! Because even I did not! This blog post is a part of BlogChatter CauseAChatter and BlogChattera2z challenge “Note to Self. Motherhood edition.”

Note to Self. Motherhood Edition
Note to Self. Motherhood Edition

After being a Mother, it becomes difficult to give time for yourself. A fact that many of us agree. And few of us forget what selflove feels like.

‘Love others’ – The Baby, The Husband, and The Family. This is what has been taught to us since tender age.

Apparently, baby and the house are Mother’s responsibility, as everyone around says. Every Mom is a Super Mom and can multi task with ease.

“Selflove mean looking after your own needs, likes and dislikes without compromising just to look after or please others”

As everyone says, ‘Do what makes you happy.’ Well, if you are passionate about anything then just go for it! Yes, Mothers always have limits and responsibilities. As I said earlier every mom is a super mom and can multi task with ease. So, looking after kids, home and husband you can still hit that passion.

‘Happy Moms make Happy Child’

This is so true. You can give 100% to your child and family only when you are happy from inside! We have this amazing ability to multitask that too with easy and perfection that can amuse others.

Log kya kahenge:

‘Log kya kahenge’ is one thing that most of the Mothers stop themselves from going big! Let me remind you that the ‘Log’ will come to clap in our failure but never come to clap in our highest points. So, stepping back for these ‘Log’ is no use.

Having a day just to yourself is a bliss. And this Covid has got no rest for us. With constant worries of the flu to children at home with studies has left us with no choice but to be on our tip toe from start to finish of the day.

In-between these busy days, take sometime off for yourself. Take few hours of the SPA time and just relax to yourself. A couple of hours of self-time would be very refreshing!

If you wish to read my other a2z blog posts:

A: Appetite Ups and Downs for Toddlers.

B: Because, I don’t take any crap I am a Mean Mom and proud of it.

C: Cook new food and Tips to make your child eat.

D: Dear Mommy. A letter from a child.

E: Easy DIY face pack for moms, to the rescue.

F: Five favorite self-care things that I do.

G: Guide for new moms on multi-tasking.

H: Happy mom makes happy kids.

I: I am a better mom for two than one.

J: Just not me-time, we sometimes need help too.

K: Knock that dullness out.

L: Laziness and lack of motivation in kids?!

M: Meal time with fuzzy kids

Copyright Sadvika Kylash

This article is the property of the author Sadvika Kylash ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited

By Sadvika Kylash

A Blogging enthusiastic person. A mom of two girls. Love to journal my journey of Motherhood, Parenting and Lifestyle.

10 thoughts on “Note to self! Motherhood edition!”
  1. Exactly duniya main sabse bada rog kya kahenge log
    All mothers need to shed self inhibition and rise and take care of self too
    Deepika Sharma

  2. I definitely think this whole moms are superheroes needs to change. They’re humans and need some love, care and break too.

  3. So aptly said!! Log kya kahenge is one of the biggest hurdles in the path of growth and self-care. Let’s keep inspiring us to beat this fear and come out with flying colors!!

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