I know, asking for help can be so hard sometimes when it includes kids. You have to make up your mind that you cannot be more than one place at a time. This makes it more difficult when you have 2 or more kids. Read along, Oh God! I need help! – Motherhood edition.

Kids need attention, be it the elder one or younger one. As in my case, all thanks to Covid, my elder one’s online classes are getting clubbed with younger ones. The only thing that seems to work for me gives her to my co-sister for study hours.
In the same way, one of the best solutions is to seek the help of others to be with your kids while you look after the other child. Or you could do the rest of your incomplete works or just have a day off of your kids, while not leaving them alone but with someone close, while you be away for some time.
Ask for help:
As I said earlier, sometimes asking for help becomes so much difficult. There would a lot of judgment that would happen when a ‘Mom’ is seeking help for watching kids. But thanks to the changing times that few things and situations would make it easy for mothers.
I can do it all:
NO! You cannot do it all and you shouldn’t do it all too. even before you ask for help, you have to erase the idea that you can do it all. Hell no! You are a human, not a robot. Ideas like, I should be with kids all the time. I have to do it alone with the kids. I didn’t need help, etc.
We might be feared of society judging when we ask for help. We often receive comments like, ‘aren’t you supposed to look after them?’ ‘You are a Mother, it’s your duty.’ ‘Parents don’t need help’ ‘She can’t take care of her kids.’
You may also want to read ‘Why having a me time for moms is so important yet so hard to take a break!
And we sometimes fall for such comments too. it is ok to have help when you need it. So that you can get that little extra time to finish up your unfinished work. Always better to have an extra pair of eyes watching kids.
You all need to know one thing, asking for help doesn’t mean that you are not able to look after kids, nor not capable to look after kids. But a wise decision to ask for help when you can have a little more advice about the kids and in general. It shows how you can put your Ego aside and ask for help.
This is a part of the BlogChattera2zz challenge and CauseAChatter hosted by BlogChatter.
If you wish to read my other a2z blog posts:
A: Appetite Ups and Downs for Toddlers.
B: Because, I don’t take any crap I am a Mean Mom and proud of it.
C: Cook new food and Tips to make your child eat.
D: Dear Mommy. A letter from a child.
E: Easy DIY face pack for moms, to the rescue.
F: Five favorite self-care things that I do.
G: Guide for new moms on multi-tasking.
H: Happy mom makes happy kids.
I: I am a better mom for two than one.
J: Just not me-time, we sometimes need help too.
L: Laziness and lack of motivation in kids?!
N: Note To Self. – Motherhood Edition.
Copyright Sadvika Kylash
This article is the property of the author Sadvika Kylash (momlifeandlifestyle.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited
April 17, 2021Asking for help is often taken as a sign of weakness but it’s far from the truth. Moms cannot and shouldn’t do all on their own. Me time is important to rejuvenate ourselves.
Pooja Priyamvada
April 17, 2021Yes, This can be a real challenge
Navita Bhatia
April 17, 2021There is no shame in asking for help. Let’s not be bothered by what the world says. Offering and seeking help builds better relationships and promotes our efficiency and productivity.
April 17, 2021Absolutely asking for help is so essential. To think one can handle everything will lead to burn out. Well brought out
Deepika Sharma
Chinmayee Gayatree Sahu
April 17, 2021I echo your thoughts totally! And yes, Moms are human beings and should certainly seek help when needed.
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