If it’s someone who has given their best apart from the Doctors, and the front-line workers in the pandemic are the Mom! With no help around the home, many chores to do, many unfinished tasks, many deadlines from works, home responsibilities are something that just kept her on her feet. Read alone the Reality of Work from Home Moms.

For the past year and even today, most of the working population was under the Work from Home situation. While at the beginning we all thought this would be cool to chill at home and work. But this turned into a nightmare for most of us. From having crazy deadlines to being stuck at home. But among all, mothers faced the hardest time!
Juggling things:
From being present at work dealing deadline of work to have the house in order, food, kids, laundry, and having rest is something that 2020 has not given for moms. Pandemic and 2020 have created a disturbing line between personal life and work life.
The Pandemic has thrown a challenge at working women who are also moms and thus making them working moms. Juggling between work and house chores has made most of us burn out. There is so many Work from Home tip that seems to work. I will get into that in the later topics.
Well, we have reached a stage where we support ‘equal work and equal pay but this Pandemic has caused double the work for the same pay for moms. Whereas, the house chores, to some, extend got divided between both the partners.
Share the load:
This Pandemic has got men to pitch in and contribute to the house chores and kids’ responsibilities, in a society where this was solely a women’s job. Pre-Pandemic the Reality of Work from Home Moms or Working Moms, in general, is quite different. As some moms choose to step down so that they could take care of the kids and house chores. Accept pay cuts just because she is a mom and ‘contributes less’ than her male counterparts.
And in some situations, she is expected to be on top of her game in all accepts. Be it work issues, house chores, and with the kids as well. She is expected to do no mistakes and if something happens, she is pointed out by everyone around.
In my coming up articles I would talk about the Working tips for Work from Home Moms.
This blog is a part of CauseAChatter, BloggingWithAPurpose and BlogChattera2z challenge hosted by BlogChatter
If you wish to read my other a2z blog posts:
A: Appetite Ups and Downs for Toddlers.
B: Because, I don’t take any crap I am a Mean Mom and proud of it.
C: Cook new food and Tips to make your child eat.
D: Dear Mommy. A letter from a child.
E: Easy DIY face pack for moms, to the rescue.
F: Five favorite self-care things that I do.
G: Guide for new moms on multi-tasking.
H: Happy mom makes happy kids.
I: I am a better mom for two than one.
J: Just not me-time, we sometimes need help too.
L: Laziness and lack of motivation in kids?!
N: Note To Self. – Motherhood Edition.
O: Oh, God! I Need Help! – Motherhood Edition.
P: Parenting tip: Ways to handle Temper Tantrums in Toddlers
Copyright Sadvika Kylash
This article is the property of the author Sadvika Kylash (momlifeandlifestyle.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited
Roshan Radhakrishnan
April 21, 2021A Work From Home mom during the last year just means the added responsibility of the normally school going children in addition to every other aspect of the house. Dads definitely have to pitch in.
Purba Chakraborty
April 21, 2021That is so true! The pandemic has blurred the lines between work life and personal life, increasing work load.
Durga Prasad Dash
April 21, 2021Definitely it is more difficult for work from home moms unless the work is shared.
Chinmayee Gayatree Sahu
April 21, 2021There is no boundary left between personal and professional life when it is WFH. Share the load is an absolute necessity.
April 21, 2021Absolutely, working from home is hardly recognised as work. Sharing the load is absolutely important
Deepika Sharma
April 21, 2021Sharing the load at home makes completing tasks fun too! This should be normalized everywhere
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April 21, 2021[…] R : Reality of Work From Home Moms […]
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April 21, 2021[…] R : Reality of Work From Home Moms […]